Welcome to the E-Safety section of our website. Here you can find information on how to stay safe online, including the safe and responsible use of social media.
As a child of a technological age, you have grown up around technology in school and also possibly at home. You have never known a time without a computer, laptop or the Internet – and might even be better than your parents!
Although you might be able to use technolgoy and the Internet easily, you still face the same dangers as anyone else that uses the Internet, just like your parents. You could still see inappropriate websites and images; be the victim of cyber bullying, or receive spam emails so it is really important that we know how to use technology and the Internet safely.
However, don’t be scared about using the internet because it is a FANTASTIC resource and you can find out nearly anything that you want to know!
Safer Internet Day
To celebrate Safer Internet Day, here at Drayton Park School we designed posters to promote E-Safety.
Digital Footprint - What Digital Footprint Are You Leaving Online?
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying which takes place online or through your mobile phone. With the increased use and availability of the Internet and technology, it is highly likely that most young people will experience it at some time (BullyingUK)
If you would like to find out more information, you can speak to your parents, teachers or an adult that you trust. Also, your parents can visit the links below to help keep you safe online.
NSPCC Share Aware is a campaign launched by the NSPCC to help parents have conversations with their children about being safe on line : https://www.nspcc.org.uk/search/?query=share%20aware
- A super site with lots of helpful advise for parent is https://www.internetmatters.org/
- Helping you to help your child manage their digital world http://www.vodafone.com/content/parents.html
- If you are in KS1, click here : https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/5_7/
- If you are in KS2, click here: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/
- NSPCC Net Aware (a guide for parents to social networks) http://www.net-aware.org.uk
- BBC Family Online Safety http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02488p8
Here is a link for the Hector dolphin E Safety button. The dolphin icon is available for your child to click on when they see something on the internet that makes them feel uncomfortable or scared. http://hectorsworld.netsafe.org.nz/teachers/hectors-world-safety-button/