At Drayton Park we value Physical Activity and school sport as a priority and understand how important it is to provide multiple opportunities for our children to live a Healthy Active Lifestyle and give them the best chance for lifelong participation within sport.
Our Commitment
“All lessons will encompass the values of the ‘learning characters’ (good behaviour/challenge, independence, safety, resilience, cooperation and aspiration) valuing the whole child in a holistic approach whilst including the fundamental skills needed for lifelong participation in sport. These values go alongside the long term strategy of the school to develop Excellence, Citizenship and Aspiration as part of our school ethos Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day”
Intent Statement
“All children will have access to over 2 hours of physical activity per week which will be led by specialist teachers ensuring all provision is safe, fun and physically active. All children to be confident and competent in a range of sports learning fundamental skills such as throwing, catching, movement, space, tactics, artistic elements, and warming up which sets them up for lifelong participation in sport. During lessons, we are determined that children will use vital skills from across the curriculum in the key areas, such as Invasion Games, Dance, Gymnastics, Striking & Fielding, Athletics, Net & Wall, OAA, and Swimming to deepen their Physical education understanding. This will be built on through a well-designed curriculum starting from foundation and finishing in year 6.”
Mr Lands
P.E Coordinator
Our Facilities
Multi Use Games Area

Soft Play Room

Fitness Studio

Sports Field

Sports Hall

These pictures are an excellent example of what children need in a P.E bag. We encourage all children to bring in their PE kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. Labelled clothing is also extremely helpful.

Any encouragement of independent changing at home would be welcomed and shoelace tying for those with laces is a vital skill for them to learn.
I will also try and ensure all children leave school with their shoes on the right feet 🙂
If you have any questions, then please send me a message.
Mr Lands
2023 Sports Crew

Our Sports Crew are a group of Key Stage 2 pupils who assist in the set up and running of school sport at lunchtimes and role models for children across the school helping promote P.E and physical activity.
September 2023
This term at Drayton Park the children have enjoyed taking part in Multi- Skills, Dance, Badminton, Basketball and use of the Fitness Studio as part of their P.E lessons. Year 6 Dragons will also be Swimming on a Friday afternoon.
Please remember to bring the correct PE Kit to school on Mondays and then it must be taken home on Fridays to be washed.
Congratulations to the winning classes who have brought the correct PE Kit and have won the PE Cup!
Can any class beat the Drayton Park record set by Miss Sharpe and the Honeybees?
Next half term
P.E lessons will include Gymnastics, Dodgeball, Games based activities. The Phoenix class will also continue to swim on a Friday afternoon.
After School Sports Clubs
Years 3,4,5,6 Dance – Monday -Miss Stubbs
Years 3 & 4 Fitness – Tuesday – Mr Lands
Years 5 & 6 Gymnastics -Tuesday – Miss Stubbs
Years 3,4,5,6 Football -Wednesday – Mr Lands & Miss Stubbs
Years 1 & 2 Gymnastics- Thursday – Miss Stubbs
Years 5 & 6 Fitness – Thursday -Mr Lands
Please look out for next half terms clubs which will communicated via Parentmail.
Fixtures and Competitions
This term our Mixed Football Teams from Year 5/6 and Year 3/4 took part in a friendly matches against other local schools.
Here are the results-
Oakgrove Primary vs Drayton Park (home)
Year 5/6 6- 3
Year 3/4 4-2
Drayton Park vs Newton Leys Primary (home)
Year 5/6 3-1
Year 3/4 3-2
Drayton Park vs Knowles Primary
Year 5/6 3-1
Year 3/4 3-2
Wall Of Fame
If the children of Drayton Park have started or already participate in sporting activities or events outside school please share your achievements with us. This can be a picture sent through Class Dojo to be put onto our Hall Of Fame!
Mr Lands and Miss Stubbs feel incredibly proud of the children and their sporting success and love to hear all about them! If you want to find out about local clubs then please get in contact and we can provide some details for you.

Girls Football
We have been extremely fortunate to partner up with Sir Herbert Leon’s P.E team and students who have been delivering female football sessions to our KSG 2 girls as part of the Euro 2022 campaign.
All girls have loved taking part in the sessions and we hope this will inspire them to play more football.
Come on the Lionesses!

Over the years