Curriculum Intent
At Drayton Park School, the curriculum is designed to: enable children to reach their full potential by developing a love of learning and an aspiration to succeed; provide a varied, supportive and stimulating environment and an atmosphere of mutual respect; allow the children build resilience and perseverance as well as develop interpersonal skills and become creative, critical thinkers. We provide a broad, balanced curriculum, offering a wide range of exciting, challenging activities and experiences to all pupils. This gives a firm foundation for future learning and encourages the children’s natural curiosities.
Through our three key ideals of Excellence, Citizenship and Aspiration we aim to meet the needs of our children and the community we serve. Alongside this we promote the values of Learning, Independence, Safety, Resilience, Cooperation and Ambition and seek to nurture these qualities in the children within our care.
We have the expectation that all children leave Drayton Park with the fundamental knowledge and skills that they need to succeed in the next stages of education and beyond.
We are committed to ensuring that:
- All children will be able to read at an age-appropriate level and have developed a love of reading, beyond what is provided solely within school.
- All children will be able to calculate fluently and identify the maths needed in everyday situations.
- All children will be able to express their views clearly in verbal and written form, making the correct choices in terms of style.
- All children will be able to understand the world around them and how this has developed over time.
- All children will be able to utilise the knowledge and skills gained through our broad and varied curriculum to make sense of the world around them and make appropriate choices in their learning and broader lives.
We aim to develop our young people into mature, responsible global citizens of the 21st century. Our expectation is that all children will leave as individuals with a sense of belonging and an understanding of the world around them and how their actions can influence this.
We are committed to ensuring that:
- All children can demonstrate the fundamental British Values.
- All children show respect for themselves, others and their environments and promote this in themselves and others.
- All children can understand how their actions can influence/affect others and use this understanding to make good choices.
- All children make positive contributions to the local area and wider world.
- All children understand how to work towards a sustainable future.
- All children have a range of strategies to thrive in modern Britain.
- All children understand what leads to a healthy lifestyle (both physically and mentally) and work to promote this in themselves and others.
At Drayton Park, we are driven by the community we serve and the limitations that previous generations in our local area have experienced. We understand that 21st century education needs to prepare young people for a wide range of jobs and opportunities, many of which our children may not be aware of and some of which, may not exist yet. By providing a wide range of experiences, interactions and opportunities that the children may not get in their wider lives, we aim to build up their cultural capital and inspire them for their future education and careers.
We are committed to ensuring that:
- All children are prepared for life and jobs in the 21st century.
- All children are aware of the possibilities for the future, in terms of their own lives and careers, as well as in the wider world; children are able to share their aims and aspirations for the future.
- All children are able to make choices for the future based on their learning experiences and explain how these will help them achieve their goals.
- All children actively promote aspiration for themselves and for others.
If you would like any further information regarding the curriculum, please do speak with your child’s class teacher, or contact the School Office .
Curriculum Progression
EYFS & Our Phonics Programme – Read Write Inc
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Drayton Park gives children the opportunity to experience the very best possible start to their education. At Drayton Park we ensure that our children establish solid foundations on which they can build for their future learning journey, this ensures that they continue to flourish throughout their school years and beyond. The EYFS prepares children for learning in Key Stage 1 and the KS1 National Curriculum.
At Drayton Park we follow the Read Write Inc program for our phonics teaching. Developed by Ruth Miskin, Read Write Inc is a high impact phonics management programme that can transform reading and writing for every child. We teach the children to hear, say, write and read the sounds in words This is taught across the school and assessed regularly until the children complete the scheme. This enables our pupils to be confident readers and this is shown by our Year 1 phonics results which are above the national average.
Further information for parents on the scheme can be found here and here
In Nursery we ensure the children have rich and stimulating experiences. Our inside and outside learning environments are well planned and well organised for children to use. It provides the structure for teaching within which children; explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for themselves, thus enabling them to learn, develop and make good progress. The children learn through purposeful play and practical experiences which builds on what they already know and extends their interests.
Reception builds on what the children have already experienced either at Drayton Park nursery or other settings. Literacy skills are taught daily, with specific emphasis on phonics. The children learn to read and write using a phonics approach. We follow Read Write Inc program we use for phonics teaches the children to hear, say, write and read the sounds in words. Numeracy is also taught daily in a fun and practical way.
Each day our children will have learning opportunities, through purposeful play, in each of the 7 EYFS areas of learning.
Each week will be carefully planned to ensure children receive personalised learning experiences, taking into account skill development and interests. Some activities will be adult-led, whilst others will be independent activities chosen by the child.
EYFS areas of learning
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) – providing opportunities for each child to become a valued member of their class and the school with a positive self image and high self esteem. Enable the children to learn how to co-operate and work harmoniously alongside and with each other and to listen to each other. |
Communication and Language(CAL) – opportunities for all children to talk and communicate in a widening range of situations, to respond to adults and each other, to practise and extend the range of vocabulary and communication skills they use and to listen carefully. |
Physical Development (PD) – opportunities for all children to develop and practise their fine and gross motor skills, and to increase their understanding of how their bodies work and what they need to do to be healthy and safe. |
Literacy – opportunities for all children to explore, enjoy, learn about and use words in a broad range of contexts and to experience a rich variety of books. |
Mathematics – opportunities for all children to develop their understanding of number, measurement, pattern, shape and space in a broad range of contexts in which they can explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk. |
Understanding the World (UW) – opportunities for all children to solve problems, make decisions, experiment, predict, plan and question in a variety of contexts, and to explore and find out about their environment and people and places that have significance in their lives. |
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) – opportunities for all children to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of art, design and technology, music, movement, dance and imaginative and role play activities. |