Cucina – School meal provider
There is a daily choice of either a main meal, vegetarian meal, jacket potato, pasta or packed lunch option; plus a pudding and fresh fruit and vegetables. Meals are cooked fresh on the premises each day by Cucina. The present cost of a meal is £2.53.
Order forms with the following week’s choices are given out to pupils on Mondays and they need to be returned by the end of school on a Thursday of the same week with the correct payment. If you wish your child to have a lunch the menu form marked clearly with your child’s name to the school office, payments are made via ParentMail. Children who are having school lunches must not bring other drinks as water is provided.
If you prefer, your child can bring a packed lunch, which should be in a suitable unbreakable container marked with your child’s name. No drinks, other than water, no glass bottles or chocolate bars please.
Free School Meals
Free school meals can be provided for the children of parents who are on Income Support or Income Related Jobseekers’ Allowance. If you are in this category please go to and complete the application. Should you require any assistance please contact the office and we will be able to assist.
Children are cared for by Midday Meal supervisors in the dining room and in the playground.
Milk is available for all children. They will receive a free 250 ml container of milk each day. Water is always available in each classroom.
Breakfast Club
We welcome children to Breakfast Club which runs from 7.45am to 8.40am in the school dining room, no breakfast will be served after 8.25am. Breakfast Club offers toast, cereal and fruit.
Please remember that if your family receive certain benefits your child may be entitled to free meals and the school may receive additional funding to support your child. If you would like further information on this, please click on the link below: