UNIFORM AND DRESS CODE - all items are compulsory
At Drayton Park, we would like all children to take pride in their appearance and all children are expected to arrive for school smartly dressed in their uniform. We believe a uniform helps to establish a strong group identity and purposeful learning environment.

UNIFORM WITH THE DRAYTON PARK SCHOOL LOGO CAN BE PURCHASED FROM My Clothing. www.myclothing.com and Kedaph Schoolwear in Bletchley Kedaph Schoolwear – Milton Keynes – Your Best School Supplies
- Plain dark grey or black trousers/skirt
- White polo shirt (this doesn’t have to have our logo)
- Summer Uniform – Red & White checked dress or dark shorts
- Red sweatshirt/cardigan with Drayton Park logo (compulsory) please speak to the school office if you need help with this
All children must wear sensible flat, black shoes. No boots inside school.
PE Kit
- Black shorts
- Plain black jogging bottoms
- Red polo shirt
- Trainers/Plimsolls
Children will need to bring their PE kit to school in a named drawstring bag. We suggest that PE kit is brought to school on Monday and left at school until Friday when it can be taken home for washing. In the hall children will be barefoot unless directed by the teacher. Warm outdoor PE kit will be needed for at least one session per week (trainers, tracksuit and PE shirt). We ask that either children do not wear ear-rings to school on the days they have PE or that they cover them with a plaster or Micropore tape brought from home. For safety reasons long hair needs to be tied back and therefore children should bring a suitable band from home for this.
All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Please see a member of the Senior Leadership Team if you have any questions regarding school uniform.