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Welcome to Drayton Park School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

A very warm welcome to our school website. I am very proud to be the Executive Headteacher of Drayton Park School. Over my nine years here, I have seen the school go from strength to strength and now we are thrilled to be in the top 2% of schools nationally for children making excellent progress. We have very high expectations for everyone and aspire for Drayton Park to be an inspirational and exciting place of learning – a place where children strive to achieve their very best within a supportive, caring community. Mrs Greenwood, our Head of School and all of our dedicated staff ensure that our school motto – Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day is consistently achieved. We have excellent facilities and our children greatly benefit from the dedicated specialist teachers we have for Music, PE and Spanish as well as a broad range of low cost after school clubs and a breakfast and twilight club which is of great benefit to working parents.

Please do not hesitate to arrange a visit to see us in action. I look forward to meeting you.

Miss Swain (Executive Headteacher)
Mrs Greenwood (Head of School)


Year 5/6 trip to Bletchley Park

Year 5/6 trip to Bletchley Park

By January 30, 2025 0
In June, Years 5 and 6 went on a trip to Bletchley Park. Year 5 and 6 have been learning all about World War 2
Nursery trip to Frosts Garden Centre

Nursery trip to Frosts Garden Centre

By January 30, 2025 0
Our trip to the Frost beach was a tremendous success! The children had an amazing time playing and digging in
Multicultural Week

Multicultural Week

By January 30, 2025 0
We had an exciting Multi-Cultural week and our pupils did a lot of activities to celebrate different countries and cultures.

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