In June, Years 5 and 6 went on a trip to Bletchley Park. Year 5 and 6 have been learning all about World War 2 and particularly the work that went on in Bletchley Park. On the trip the children were excited to see the home of the codebreakers. Particular highlights were the mansion, the codebreaker huts, the garages and the different artifacts from the time. We have learnt about Alan Turing in class, so we were excited to see his office, including his cup that was chained to the radiator. We also thought it was really exciting to see a replica Bombe machine – Turing’s excellent idea to help crack the codes. There are lots of tributes at Bletchley Park to people who helped during the war, one group were studying the Polish memorial when a Drayton Park child read the whole thing out in Polish – poignant moment for all involved. The only part of the day that was not enjoyed by all, was the 45 minute walk to Bletchley Park.