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The School Day

Please ensure that your child arrives in good time for the start of the morning session at 8.45am and collect them at 15:15 pm.  This is total length of the complusory school week is 32.5 hours a week. 

We operate a rolling start to the day where the children are invited to come in to school 10 minutes prior to the start of the day.

7:45am Breakfast Club
8:35 am children move through to classes
8:45 am morning session begins
8:55 am Learning Begins
11:00 am Morning break (15 minutes)
12:15 pm Lunch (60 minutes)
15:15 pm Lessons finish – after school clubs begin

8:45 am Morning Session starts
11:45 am Morning Session ends
12:15 Afternoon Session starts
15:15 Afternoon Session ends